Writing to Keep Connected with your Clients

Do you want to reach your clients, customers, patrons and inform them of current product, specials or just information that you think they would be interested in hearing about? (I’ll use the reference of customers to apply to our professional customers, clients, patients, patrons from here out).

Our customers are the life blood of any business, including mine!

So you have built a relationship with your customer. Hopefully they like you and the company or practice you represent. Now the hard part……keeping them. If it’s a business, they will constantly be pursued by other companies or businesses trying to persuade them to seek a change, a better price, better customer service. It’s very important to nurture your existing accounts and what better way than staying in touch. Give them a ping with information you would like to convey. Remind them that you are thinking about their needs and would like to help.

So, how do you do this?

E-newsletters are an ideal way to say hello and present a list of things that you feel are important that they should know.

Maybe just a simple reminder card they receive in the mail describing a ‘save the date’ request for a special event.

Autoresponders are scheduled emails that help businesses follow up and stay connected with potential clients.

A quick email though the harder path to take, can be an effective way to send information. Why harder? Simply put, people are busy. But with the right subject line, they will be interested in hearing from their friend, doctor, sales representative. You get the idea….

Don’t know what you need?

Let’s talk about it and I can help you make a plan.

Questions to think about:

Who are the clients you are trying to reach. Do you deal with the end-users of  product or service. For example, physicians reach their patients who are their end-users; however, a manufacturer’s clients may be distribution company and a distributor may sell to a local store. This type of customer is a business to business client or B2B. The approach is a little different depending on who we are addressing.